The parties met in court to establish protocols for the preservation of evidence in the case, which alleges Southern ...
The parties met in court to establish protocols for the preservation of evidence in the case, which alleges Southern California Edison equipment ignited the catastrophic blaze.
While March derives its name from Mars, the Roman god of war, it’s intriguing that this month is also designated as Fire Prevention Month, a time dedicated to safeguarding against destruction.
More than 100 electrical safety checks are overdue in Crawley council homes, some by as long as ten years, according to an audit report ...
PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- A man was burned during an attempted theft in Philadelphia's Frankford section, according to police. It happened around 3 a.m. on Tuesday around Frankford and Torresdale avenues ...
An electrical wiring problem in basement wiring triggered Sunday morning’s fire at a two-story duplex on Meadville’s east side, Meadville Fire Department Chief Evan Kardosh said Monday.
"It was horrible, a really horrific fire but the worst thing is the llamas were inside the barn," said Sharon Ciacio, a neighbor who saw the blaze.
Though initially claiming there was no evidence its equipment was at fault, Southern California Edison is now investigating one of its “zombie” power lines as the possible origin of the deadly ...
An electrical fire, which could have been disastrous was extinguished yesterday at the University of Guyana’s Turkeyen Campus, acting fire Chief Gregory ...
A judge and attorneys on Monday worked inside a packed courtroom to merge dozens of lawsuits against Southern California ...
Two people were taken to hospital after a fire broke out inside an electrical riser at a Housing Board block in Jalan Kayu ...