Unilever’s revelation of the sudden departure of Hein Schumacher – before he could celebrate a second summer as CEO – seemed ...
Unilever has ousted chief executive Hein Schumacher after its board lost patience with the pace of his turnaround plan for ...
Unilever said Hein Schumacher is stepping down as chief executive and will be replaced by finance chief Fernando Fernandez.
In a surprise announcement, Unilever said its CEO was leaving and Fernando Fernandez, currently Unilever's chief financial ...
Unilever has announced Hein Schumacher will step down as CEO within days, just 18 months after he joined the consumer goods ...
"The step-up from CFO to CEO by Fernandez will be liked by many investors," Jefferies analyst David Hayes said of the ...
Unilever CEO Hein Schumacher is stepping down after less than two years in the job, the company said Tuesday. Current CFO ...
Unilever announces the exit of CEO Hein Schumacher after less than two years, appointing CFO Fernando Fernandez to lead the ...
Unilever Plc pushed out Chief Executive Officer Hein Schumacher after less than two years, signaling that the board wasn’t satisfied with the pace of restructuring at the maker of Hellmann’s ...
Schumacher defended his approach and record as CEO and said he regretted leaving Unilever earlier than anticipated.
Unilever’s revelation of the sudden departure of Hein Schumacher – before he could celebrate a second summer as CEO – seemed shrouded in mystery. But the devil might just be in the detail ...
Unilever's CEO Hein Schumacher will step down by mutual agreement on March 1st after less than two years in the role, ...