A Villager’s son charged in a shocking death is confident that he’s going to enjoy the representation of a private attorney.
A couple in The Villages has been forced to put their home on the market due to a mandate issued by President Trump.
Brisk progress is being made on the new Hooters restaurant coming to The Villages. The Hooters restaurant, to be located at Lake Deaton Plaza, will be 4,500 square feet inside and will also offer an ...
Nancy Boynton had a gift of tending to others, whether that be friends, neighborhood dogs after she lost her cherished girls, Charlie and Molly, or plants around her prized gardens.
A Village of Winifred resident thinks selling cars at the White House is an idea that might catch on with other world leaders.
A man tied to an infamous beating death in 2016 at Spanish Springs Town Square has been arrested in a violent incident involving a gun.
A woman facing a drug charge after her arrest last year in The Villages apparently got bad information from the attorney representing her.
There are people and children in the pools and I am sure they are not residents I thought someone was supposed to check IDs at pools. We pay more for amenities and get less. Want all the latest news ...
An unlicensed driver from Mexico was arrested after a crash in The Villages. An officer responded to an accident involving two vehicles at the intersection of Marsh Bend Trail and Central Parkway near ...
A woman emerged from Lake Centre Rehab at Sarasota Plaza in The Villages and found she had no way out. No amount of physical therapy can prepare you for that kind of challenge!
The tragic death this past weekend of 60-year-old Kelly Novit could have been avoided had she been wearing a seatbelt.
Two people were injured when two golf carts sideswiped each other Wednesday afternoon on the Morse Boulevard Bridge at Lake Sumter.