They also departed in the buggy drawing cheers from the crowd. -- Besides VVIP dignitaries, members of the Paralympic contingent, sarpanches from top-performing villages, handloom artisans and ...
The Corps of Signals Motorcycle Rider Display Team, famously known as The Dare Devils, performed breath-taking stunts during the 90-minute display in New Delhi.
‘We have permission: How a cop cut short Ed Sheeran's performance in Bengaluru | Video R Madhavan becomes first Indian to own Brixton Cromwell 1200 motorcycle: "My son Vedant’s name inscribed ...
Dune buggy driver and land access advocate Evelyn Tallman-Duceshi, who helped keep Oceano Dunes near Pismo Beach open to all, and whose knowledge of sand driving was sought out by both neighbors ...
“We’re fairly confident we’re a world-first,” said Dr Bailey. “There are places you can go to which are golf-buggy only, where you’re on a resort somewhere, [for example] the big ...
Horse's 2023 spinoff as a subsidiary and its production expansion thereafter appear to have come at the right time, as hybrids have been gaining in popularity. After years of electric vehicles ...