Journey’s RodeoHouston concert was cut short by an 'electrical fire.' Fans can get a refund or donate their ticket value to ...
New data suggests there were faults on Southern California Edison’s transmission lines early on Jan. 7 before the fire ...
Two people were taken to hospital after a fire broke out inside an electrical riser at a Housing Board block in Jalan Kayu ...
An electrical wiring problem in basement wiring triggered Sunday morning’s fire at a two-story duplex on Meadville’s east side, Fire Department Chief Evan Kardosh said Monday. Fire damage was confined ...
An electrical fire, which could have been disastrous was extinguished yesterday at the University of Guyana’s Turkeyen Campus, acting fire Chief Gregory ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio - Rock & Roll Hall of Famers Journey will help the Cleveland Browns celebrate the NFL draft concert during ...
No injuries were reported following a house fire in Lincolnshire Monday evening that left a home uninhabitable, authorities said.
While the investigation into the cause of a fire at a Consumers Energy plant in Bay County continues, officials said the ...
It's currently unknown exactly how many people will be displaced, but power was affected in six units. One unit sustained ...
The iconic band's performance came to a "fiery halt" as flames engulfed stage equipment, forcing abrupt evacuation.
Residents displaced from their rent-stabilized apartments following a Jan. 10 fire at 2910 Wallace Ave. can now apply for low ...