After a recent spate of hazing incidents at UCF, a nationally recognized hazing lawyer said better prevention, enforcement ...
Hazing occurs regardless of whether the act is committed on or off the university campus and regardless of whether the student victim may have consented to or acquiesced in the activity. A person ...
Reports alleging misconduct at an East Carolina University fraternity said that pledges suffered cuts and bruises from forced physical activity and endured a variety of other abuse.
Among the many clubs and organizations at Willamette University, students might be interested in Greek life, communities that are divided into fraternities and sororities. Greek life organizations aim ...
Caleb Wilson's tragic death has spurred a familiar conversation across Louisiana and the U.S.: How can deadly hazing rituals ...
The first person arrested in Caleb Wilson’s case, an undergraduate student, was listed as 23. Several days later, a 25-year-old student was also arrested. The final suspect is a 28-year-old graduate ...
Author and psychologist Dr. Susan Lipkins explains why individuals participate in hazing practices, following an ...
The Sigma Chi fraternity at the University of Central Florida became the focus of an investigation, accused of harmful hazing that<a class="excerpt-read-more" href=" More ...
Sigma Chi brothers had allegedly forced new members to stand in front of cars while members of the organization hit them with cars,” a detective alleged.
UCF police are investigating hazing allegations against Sigma Chi, including claims pledges were forced to stand in front of moving cars.