Two new members have been appointed to the Airservices Australia board. Susan Ferrier and Douglas Bain have joined the ...
A group of young people have met at the Legislative Assembly in  Darwin to discuss key issues affecting their communities.
There’s been a bit of talk recently about flexible work and working from home. Is it good? Is it bad? Does it work? Asks ...
Today, the smart city concept is moving beyond a sole focus on technology and toward a more human-centred approach. An ...
There are three types of cyber actors the ASD regularly deals with said Kay: run-of-the-mill criminals “looking for a pay day ...
With AI tools at our fingertips, we can no longer delay the public sector’s use of the technology, writes Joanne Kummrow.
There’s a growing possibility cyber threats could disrupt the upcoming federal election, writes Glenn Maiden.
There's a growing possibility cyber threats that could disrupt the upcoming federal election, writes Glenn Maiden.
Council mergers are back on the table for South Australia, in response, the peak body for local government argues “bigger isn ...
Social housing is top of the list of Victorians’ infrastructure needs, a report reveals. Released by Infrastructure Victoria, ...